Seeing with new eyes: an introduction to contemplative practice.
Join Rev. Jackie Harris on an exploration of contemplative spiritual practices through the teachings of historic and contemporary contemplatives.
You will be introduced to the teachings of:
Julian of Norwich
Teresa of Avila
Adam Bucko
Richard Rohr
This class is designed for those who are new to contemplative spiritual practice as well as experienced practitioners who wish to explore practices from other spiritual traditions or simply dive deeper into practice. Whether you're brand new to the idea of regular spiritual practice, intimidated and don't know where to start, struggling with being consistent, or merely curious, this class might be just what you need to begin a life-long practice that will serve you in numerous ways.
Jackie Harris
Assistant Minister
Self-Paced This class is entirely online and consists of video instruction and audio files that you can access anytime, anywhere. In general, you are free to move through the material as fast or slow as you wish.
Prerequisite: None.
Level: Introductory. This self-paced class is ideal for those who are new to the Science of Mind teachings and to spiritual practice in general. Intermediate and experienced students will also find the class of value as a refresher and opportunity to explore potentially unfamiliar practices.
Please contact our registrar, Lisa Berquist, at lberquist@milehichurch.orgor 720-974-2246 to get this set up. Lisa can also help if you need guidance in your spiritual studies or have questions about our classes.