Join Rev. Simon Shadowlight on an exploration of seven spiritual practices geared toward navigating through and thriving during trying times.
This class is designed for those who are new to spiritual practice as well as those experienced practitioners who wish to explore practices from other spiritual traditions or simply dive deeper into practice. Whether you're brand new to the idea of regular spiritual practice, intimidated and don't know where to start, struggling with being consistent, or merely curious, this self-paced, seven-week class might be just what you need to begin a life-long practice that will serve you in numerous ways.
The term "spiritual practice" can mean many things to many people. Different cultures and different faith traditions have different practices. In the Science of Mind and Spirit, we believe that our true, eternal essence is spiritual in nature. We may spend much of our time focused on our daily activities and situations, yet, beneath all of the coming and going of daily life, we believe we are co-creating our life as an expression of the One Source out of which all things arise. Different people have different names for this One Source (God, Spirit, the Sacred, etc.)
Spiritual practice refers to those actions and activities that help one become more aware of and present with one's life. The practices in this class, while beneficial at anytime, have been selected specifically for trying times as they can help you identify, face, and move through challenges and obstacles. For instance, the Sufi Purification breath is a great way to begin each day grounded and centered. The practice of Tonglen allows you to acknowledge that suffering exists and offers a way to transmute suffering into beneficence.
While we refer to this as a class, in many ways it will serve you more as a toolbox. It consists of seven modules, each focusing on a different spiritual practice (see below). For each practice, we'll share a bit about its origin and background to provide you a context for understanding the process. Each module includes written instructions as well as a downloadable .MP3 audio file guiding you through the practice.
You will learn about the following practices:
- Sufi Elemental Purification Breath
- Lectio Divina (Divine Reading)
- Tonglen Meditation (Receiving and Giving)
- Ho'oponopono (Forgiveness)
- Metta Bhavana (Loving Kindness)
- Spiritual Mind Treatment
- Cultivating Gratitude (a collection of seven short practices to assist you in cultivating kindness).
Once you enroll, you can begin with the first module on the Sufi Elemental Purification Breath. You are encouraged to do each practice every day for seven days. After that, the next module will become available for you to focus on during that week.
This class asks for a commitment of a minimum of seven weeks for spiritual practice. If you're new to spiritual practice, this class allows you to explore a number of time-tested approaches that can serve as a foundation for a life-time of spiritual exploration and growth. If you already have a regular spiritual practice, this class provides you with a structure that supports ongoing consistency (i.e. daily practice) and which offers variety as you focus on a different practice each week.
So, what are you waiting for? This could be one of the best investments you have ever made in yourself.